Project Overview

  • Status: COMPLETE
  • 21 participating labs collected data in 14 countries
  • 467 babies tested and 668 CDIs collected
  • 45 authors on Journal of Child Language article

In this project we explored whether early preference for Infant Directed Speech (IDS) is linked to later vocabulary size. For instance, does preference for IDS predictx infants’ vocabulary? Does the relation between IDS preference and vocabulary size change over development? And are there any systematic differences in the strength of this relationship across language communities?

Infants’ preference for IDS was tested as part of the MB1 project, and follow-up CDI data was collected from a subsample of this dataset at 18 and 24 months of age.

A total of 341 (18 months) and 327 (24 months) infants were tested across 21 laboratories. In neither preregistered analyses with North American and UK English, nor exploratory analyses with a larger sample was there a relation between IDS preference and later vocabulary. In the manuscript, we discuss the implications of this finding in light of recent work suggesting that IDS preference measured in the laboratory has low test-retest reliability (MB1T).

Project Lead


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Stage 1 Registered Report

Soderstrom, M., Werker, J. F., Tsui, A., Skarabela, B., Seidl, A., Searle, A., Ryjova, Y., Rennels, J. L., Potter, C., Paulus, M., Ota, M., Noble, C., Nave, K., Mayor, J., Martin, A., Lew-Williams, C., Ko, E., Kartushina, N., Kammermeier, M., Jessop, A., Hay, J. F., Hannon, E. E., Hamlin, J. K., Gonzalez-Gomez, N., Gonzalez-Barrero, A. M., Gampe, A., Fritzsche, T., Frank, M. C., Floccia, C., Durrant, S., Delle Luche, C., Davies, C., Cashon, C., Byers-Heinlein, K., Black, A. K., Bergmann, C., Anderson, L. (Stage 1 Registered Report, In Principle Acceptance). Testing the Relationship Between Preferences for Infant-Directed Speech and Vocabulary Development: A Multi-Lab Study. Journal of Child Language. [Manuscript]

Stage 2 Registered Report

Soderstrom, M., Rocha-Hidalgo, J., Muñoz, L. E., Bochynska, A., Werker, J. F., Skarabela, B., Seidl, A., Ryjova, Y., Rennels, J. L., Potter, C., Paulus, M., Ota, M., Olesen, N. M., Nave, K., Mayor, J., Martin, A., Machon, L. C., Lew-Williams, C., Ko, E., Kim, H., Kartushina, N., ... Tsui, A. S. M.(2024). Testing the relationship between preferences for infant-directed speech and vocabulary development: A multi-lab study. Journal of Child Language, 1–26.