Upcoming Events
(more events coming soon!)
Past Events
February 28, 2025 - 15:00-16:30 UTC on Zoom
Workshop: Preregistration: The nudge you need to preregister your next project
Zsuzsa Kaldy, University of Massachusetts Boston
This talk is for developmental researchers at all levels of training who know that they should be preregistering their projects, but for various reasons have not started doing it yet. Dr. Kaldy goes over the theoretical reasons behind the need for preregistration, and then focuses on why the benefits outweigh the perceived costs and how she has dealt with those in her lab. She also shares some practical tips about how to write an optimal preregistration and how to deal with the (largely inevitable) deviations from the plan. The talk is followed by an open Q&A.
Slides available here
Slides and recording from a Center for Open Science preregistration webinar that was (coincidentally) held the same week
October 8-10, 2024
Big Team Science Conference
July 8, 2024
ManyBabies preconference workshop @ ICIS 2024
Insights from global collaboration: ManyBabies updates and new initiatives

June 4 & 6, 2024
ManyBabies Town Halls
The main goal of these Town Halls was to discuss ManyBabies from a broad perspective: Where should ManyBabies go next in terms of individual projects as well as overall directions? How should our network of developmental scientists evolve to help make the field better?
If you were unable to attend either Town Hall, we would still love to hear your ideas. Please fill out this form to share your thoughts with us!
#1: June 4, 2024 - 1800-1900 UTC (Americas, Africa, & Europe)
#2 June 6, 2024 - 2300-2400 UTC (Americas, Asia, & Oceania)
May 24, 2024 - 14:00-15:30 UTC on Zoom
Behavioral coding software for developmental science:
An overview of BORIS, Datavyu, and ELAN
Behavioral coding software streamlines the process of analyzing infant behavior by providing tools to record, categorize, and measure observational data. It allows researchers to precisely capture and quantify complex behaviors, thus enabling deeper insights into infant development. In this 90-minute webinar hosted by Nicolás Alessandroni and Brianna McMillan, we hear from representatives of BORIS, Datavyu, and ELAN, who showcase each software’s main features and possibilities. Following the presentations, there is a Q&A and discussion on potential applications in infant research. Take advantage of this chance to discover how these tools can enhance your research!
Thank you to Marco Gamba from BORIS, Kasey Soska from Databrary, and Divya Kanekal & Han Sloetjes from ELAN for participating!
March 12, 2024 - 14:00-15:30 UTC (3-4:30pm CET) on Zoom
Workshop: Power analysis
Christopher Cox, Aarhus University
Presenter Christopher M. M. Cox (Aarhus University) leads an interactive workshop on power analysis. The workshop includes both theoretical and practical components. In the theoretical component, he discusses why to conduct power analyses, how to incorporate information from previous studies, and why we should construe power analyses as useful opportunities to think through the design dynamics of a study.
The practical component includes an R tutorial on how to conduct simulation-based power analyses for linear mixed-effects models (and possible extensions to GLMMS). To gain practical experience in how to simulate data and run power analyses, you can work through the provided tutorial using an up-to-date R version (4 or above) and RStudio (version 1.3 or above). If you do not have experience with R, you can still get a lot out of the workshop and will be able to follow along, as all code and code output are available at the link below.
Slides available here
Tutorial materials available here
February 21, 2024 - 16:00-17:30 UTC (8-9:30am PST) on Zoom
Workshop: Project management
Michael Frank, Stanford University
In this workshop, Mike Frank (with the support of TAs Anjie Cao and Alvin Tan) demonstrates ways to become a better collaborator not just with others but with “Future You” (topics include file management, version control, and organization).
Slides available here
MB Publication Parties
November 7, 2023 - 3pm UTC
MB-ManyWebcams Pulication Party
link to publication: https://doi.org/10.1111/infa.12564
November 15, 2023 - 5pm UTC
MB-Demographics Publication Party
link to publication: https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001623
October 23-25, 2023
Big Team Science Conference
ManyBabies is a proud co-host of the:
September 1, 2023 - 10am-12pm ET (Montréal, Canada; UTC -4) on Zoom
ManyManys 1: Reversal Learning
More information and registration link on the ManyManys site
May 11, 2023 - 8:30-10:00am CEST (Berlin, Germany; UTC +2) on Zoom
Webinar: Open data for developmental science
Christina Bergmann, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences & Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Open data is one of the key mandates in calls for increased transparency, with badges, citation advantages, and sometimes even refusal to publish papers when data are not made open. For developmental researchers, this need for transparency stands in stark contrast with confidentiality, especially when working with infants. Christina reviews developmental science’s impressive history of open data to show that there are ways to ethically and responsibly share data, and then discusses different strategies and emerging best practices to balance participant protection with transparency.
Slides available here
March 21, 2023 - 9:00-10:30 PDT (San Francisco, USA; UTC -7) on Zoom
Workshop: Creating reproducible research reports Using RMarkdown
Michael Frank, Stanford University
In this workshop, Mike Frank (with the support of TAs Anjie Cao and Alvin Tan) led participants through the benefits of using RMarkdown to create reproducible research reports. Follow along with the exercises to see how simple it is to integrate writing and analyses in your workflow.
Slides available here
October 27-28, 2022
Big Team Science Conference
ManyBabies is a proud co-host of the:

October 20, 2022 - 11:00-12:30 EDT (Montréal, Canada) on Zoom
Webinar: An introduction to open science
Nicolás Alessandroni & Krista Byers-Heinlein, Concordia University
In this workshop, Nicolás and Krista introduce the open science perspective for psychological research. The aim is for participants to discover, discuss, and engage in using open science practices (e.g., open access, open data, preprints, pre-registration) and to learn ways to apply them in their own research. The workshop does not require prior knowledge of open science; all those interested in learning or deepening their knowledge of how to do open research are most welcome!