Project Overview
- Status: Piloting and collecting data for Studies 1 and 2; Translating study materials
In this first ManyBabies methodological project we are developing a remote (online) testing framework that can be used across a range of home environments in a wide array of countries. This include best practices in procedure, documentation, standardization, and analysis. Our initial focus is on measuring looks (for instance, in a visual preference paradigm), as it is the main dependent variable of many infant studies.
Recruiting infants in their homes can alleviate problems of high recruitment costs, since the burden for caregivers is smaller compared to a lab visit. Researchers can therefore potentially access larger, more diverse sample sizes, repeat experimental sessions, and assess test-retest reliability. Furthermore, children can be tested in a familiar environment, and in asynchronous setups at times that they are ready to participate.
- Materials, Protocols, and Documentation: Google Drive
- Listserv: join here
- Slack: Please email any of the members of the leadership team to get a Join invitation
- News: MB-AtHome news
Project Leads
- Lorijn Zaadnoordijk, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland [email]
- Sho Tsuji, University of Tokyo, Japan [email]
- Katie Von Holzen, TU Braunschweig, Germany [email]
- Helen Buckler, University of Nottingham, England [email]
- Rhodri Cusack, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland [email]
We encourage everyone who is interested in the project to contact the Project Leads (see above) or fill out the MB Sign-Up Form. Please note that access to infants/infant lab is NOT a prerequisite.
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