Project Overview
- Status: Developing processing/analysis pipeline; Preparing Stage 1 Registered Report
In this ongoing project, we extend the MB3 investigation on the ability to learn and to apply rules by adding a non-invasive brain imaging technique to the experimental design: near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). With this addition, we may be able to identify neural correlates that inform whether and to what extent rules’ processing and learning are abstract, rule-based, and/or language specific. We may also be able to explore the time course of learning, thereby adjudicating between statistical mechanisms requiring extended time for sampling and faster symbolic mechanisms.
NIRS is a relatively new imaging technique. Variation across instruments, analysis pipelines, and laboratories is wide and standardization is currently lacking. Using NIRS in this large-scale collaborative project will provide us with the unique opportunity to discuss and solve some of these issues in a global network of experts in developmental research and brain imaging.
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Project Lead
- Judit Gervain Université de Paris & CNRS, France & University of Padova, Italy [email]
MB3-NIRS Contributors
We encourage everyone who is interested in the project to contact the Project Lead (see above) or fill out the MB Sign-Up Form. Please note that access to infants/infant lab is NOT a prerequisite.
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