Project Overview
- Status: Data collection complete; Importing and analyzing data
- Stage 1 Registered Report given 'In Principle Acceptance' at Child Development
In this ongoing project we aim to investigate a fundamental feature of human social cognition: Theory of Mind (ToM), or the ability to ascribe mental states to agents. One of the central tests for ToM is the false belief task, in which the participant needs to predict how an agent will act on the basis of her/his (mis)representation of the world. Using a false belief task (3D-animated videos), we ask if infants (18- to 27-month-olds) and adults show anticipatory looking that reflects the false belief of another agent. Our contributors include the authors of the original studies and of previous replication attempts, as well researchers from diverse theoretical orientations (e.g., nativist and core knowledge, dual process, conceptual change and skeptics). Following the anticipatory looking study, we hope to continue the project with other measures such as Violation of Expectation, and interactive tasks.
- Materials, Protocols, and Documentation: MB2-OSF, MB2 Lab Manual, MB2 Collaboration Agreement
- Data and code: MB2-GitHub
- Listserv: join here (click on “for access, try joining the group”)
- Slack: MB workspace (join the #mb2-general channel)
Project Leads
- Tobias Schuwerk, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany [email]
- Dora Kampis, University of Copenhagen, Denmark [email]
- Hannes Rakoczy, University of Göttingen, Germany [email]
- Michael Frank, Stanford University, United States [email]
MB2 Contributors
We encourage everyone who is interested in the project to contact the Project Leads (see above) or fill out the MB Sign-Up Form. Please note that access to infants/an infant lab is NOT a prerequisite.
NOTE: Default table ordering is by contributor’s first name. You can filter, group, and/or sort entries by any field.
Stage 1 Registered Report
Schuwerk, T.*, Kampis, D.*, Baillargeon, R., Biro, S., Bohn, M., Byers-Heinlein, K., Dörrenberg, S., Fisher, C., Franchin, L., Fulcher, T., Garbisch, I., Geraci, A., Grosse Wiesmann, C., Hamlin, K., Haun, D. B. M., Hepach, R., Hunnius, S., Hyde, D. C., Karman, P., … Rakoczy, H. (accepted pending data collection). Action anticipation based on an agent's epistemic state in toddlers and adults. Child Development. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/x4jbm (*co-first authors)
To cite, use (Schuwerk & Kampis et al., accepted pending data collection)
- MB2 is supported by a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft