
ManyBabies Workshop: Reproducible Writing Using R Markdown
Michael Frank, Stanford University
March 21, 2023 9:00-10:30 PDT (San Francisco) on Zoom
In this workshop, Mike will walk participants through the process of creating reproducible manuscripts using R Markdown. Learn how to link your analyses directly to your manuscript, and never worry about copy/paste errors again!

2022 Big Team Science Conference
Co-hosted by ManyBabies, ManyPrimates, & the Psychological Science Accelerator
October 27-28, 2022
Conference website

ManyBabies Workshop: An Introduction to Open Science
Nicolás Alessandroni & Krista Byers-Heinlein, Concordia University
October 20, 2022 11:00-12:30 EDT (Montréal, Canada) on Zoom
Slides available on OSF
In this workshop, Nicolás and Krista introduce the open science perspective for psychological research. The aim is for participants to discover, discuss, and engage in using open science practices (e.g., open access, open data, preprints, pre-registration) and to learn ways to apply them in their own research. The workshop does not require prior knowledge of open science; all those interested in learning or deepening their knowledge of how to do open research are most welcome!